Savoy Apartments Clubhouse

Overland Park, Kan.



This remodel of the clubhouse for Savoy Apartments in Overland Park, Kan., brought a dramatic change in modernizing its amenity space for residence, as well as adding functionality to the office area for employees.

Amenities for the clubhouse, such as a sauna, unused conference room and fitness center with low ceilings, pool table and theater were not used very often and were dated. The remodel reimaged these spaces and opened up these unused areas to create modern spaces for sought-after amenities, including a party room with kitchen that can be reserved for residents; work-from-home pods with privacy; additional gathering spaces; and the opening of the ceiling and addition of fans in the fitness area for a new look and feel. The redesign also created new entrances for the restrooms so that they could be used 24 hours with the fitness center.

Another challenge in the old clubhouse was a lack of privacy and functionality for staff offices. NSPJ sought to revitalize these areas, making them more functional by adding walls so that the staff could meet with residents and prospective residents in an enclosed space.

In addition, the remodel included the addition of an access-controlled parcel room for packages to be delivered in a secure environment.


Savoy Apartments
Griffis Blessing

Michelle Ford Design

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